A Muralette lasts longer than a bouquet of long-stem roses and costs just about the same!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Dream of Painting more Murals

At my recent art opening, a new acquaintance, after looking at my art for the first time, asked if I have ever painted a mural.
I told her that I would love to paint more murals, and then went digging in my photos archives to locate this one image (below) of a mural painted some years ago.
Though it is not the only mural I have painted, it is an example of mural painting opportunities of which I would like many, many more!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Modest Needs, can you help?

ModestNeeds.Org - Small Change. A World Of Difference.

Have you ever heard of Modest Needs?

Even though the link I have provided takes you straight to my particular grant request, you can go to the homepage to check out the whole Modest Needs story from the "Start Here" section on the menu bar, or really, from the top of any page_ including mine.

My own grant request is modest, as I transition back into new employment, after a recession lay-off 10 months ago. Your donation, of any size to my request, will be ever so appreciated! Just click on the link below and thank-you, very much!!

Application 159557: New Job - Rent Help - Modest Needs®

*Be sure to pass this information on to those you know who may need the kind of help available through a Modest Needs grant!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Daily Digital Collage- 4

I love the sense of being surrounded by imagery that feeds the soul positively. Inspiring! *Enjoy today's collage ideas, & consider having a muralette of your own design painted in a day!

Daily Digital Collage- 3!

The Daily Digital Collage, from my "Positive Images" series: "Life's Adventures."
Tell me what kind of muralette you would love to have painted on your wall!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Digital Collage- 2


Each day, I am creating digital collages from my "Positive Images" Series, to promote one of my creative businesses; muralettes!
I can paint a small mural in your special place for $100 in the course of one day.

Contact me! Let's talk about your idea and then collaborate! From that brief conversation I will create an original design that commemorates a moment in your life you want to 'captcha foreva!'

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Daily Digital Collage

" Life! Bohemian-Refined"

I am posting daily collages that I am creating in Photoshop, to spark ideas for Muralette projects! Spring is here! If you see anything that peaks your attention leave a comment!! Let's talk muralettes together!