A Muralette lasts longer than a bouquet of long-stem roses and costs just about the same!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New posts!

I have not been very present to this blog as I slowly get my life back on track, after battling with homelessness for two months this past summer.
For now, I would like that briefly ill-fated experience to reflect back on my family-of-origin. I ought not to have gone through such extreme living but for ignorance as a choice on that branch of the family tree. Having openly released as much, I invite all readers to not discount the words or my experiences however briefly written about in this post. Not all details are posted and I am not blaming them. I just did not have to go through what I went through, and I want that truth to reflect back on them as not being there for me when I needed help and asked them for it. When I needed reasonable help and asked for that three years ago, in order to avoid this kind of situation as I transition from full-time, single-parenthood back into the job market.

Consequently, I am re-doubling my focus on meaningful, creative work resources such as this $100-Mural business-project. In independent resolve, I refresh my connection with this blog_ I am still here! Anyone with a wall needing fresh, healthy ideas painted out, can leave a contact comment for that work to be arranged here and I will get right back with you.

Thanks in advance for your support from this working artist!

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